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Cool New Features Coming to Google Meet

The ultra-popular virtual meeting platform, Google Meet, is rolling out with some new features. Many of Google’s software remains free to help meet the needs of all

individuals, though additional features are available for Google Workspace subscribers. The same incredibly gracious company has advanced features coming to enhance your next meeting.

The new Google Meet will use advanced AI technology to better the lives of the millions using their software at any location and hardware. Google revealed seven new features coming to serve its users.

Best Features in Google Meet

The best Google Meet features include activities and tools for security and collaboration. As always, Google has customer support and privacy features embedded into each software. When you join a meeting, you’ll immediately have access to the best Google Meet features, including:

Screen Share

Research conducted by William C. Bradford suggests that 65% of the population are visual learners. Presenting documents or sharing tabs, windows, or entire screens with others is an essential tool for collaboration. Easily screen share photos, documents, or presentations with everyone at your next meeting.

Live Closed Captions

Mic or speaker issues happen, but live closed captions will save the day. Working at home or in public spaces can cause your meeting to be overheard or overseen, which could make you appear obnoxious, especially if you’re having the meeting at a library or bookstore. Using live closed captions respects those around you.

Google Drive Storage

Google includes free 15 GB of drive storage. This storage is cloud drive storage and integrates with other Google software. The cloud enables you to store and use all your photos, documents, presentations, and backgrounds wherever there’s a web browser available.

Background Integration

Backgrounds can be partially or fully blurred. Professional virtual office backgrounds are available for free with your business logo attached. Everyone considers how they might be viewed, but virtually, your background becomes part of your attire.

How to Use Google Meet Features

Features like data and privacy security are automatically enforced, but other features like adjustable layouts and the Google Meet whiteboard feature will require you to participate in their activation. Learning to use Meets features is simple but can be aggravating if left in the unknown. How to use:


A text message logo for group chatting is located at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Texting can be helpful when relaying important information without interrupting the speaker.

Screen Share

Presenting is the screen share option in the immediate toolbar at the center below. After clicking present, you’ll be able to select from showing a single tab, a window of multiple tabs, or an entire desktop. When finished, select stop presenting, and you will re-enter into privacy.

Visual Effects

Effects are a creative and fun way to spice up a meeting. It’s also the opportunity to present yourself to your colleagues professionally. The visual effects allow you to personalize your background, partially blur or entirely blur. Before jumping into your meeting with the preview mirror, you can apply these options.

Host Controls

If you’ve set the meeting up, then at the lower right-hand side of the screen will appear a padlock logo possessing the powers of controlling screen share, messaging, microphones, and videos. Other advanced features such as polls, Q&As, hand raises, and meeting recordings are available.

Adjustable Layouts

Easily adjust your screen layout to conform to your needs. The vertical ellipses will appear at the lower center of your screen, and there you can adjust them as necessary to view everyone or place the spotlight on whoever is speaking.

Live Closed Captions

Right next to switching your mic and video on or off is the tool to switch live closed captions on or off. You can immediately change the language to what is appropriate or change it in the settings tab at any time.


The Jamboard is the application where the whiteboard is used. Access the whiteboard tool through the vertical ellipses at the center bottom of your screen or on the right-hand side by clicking the playful building blocks. When a board is created, a link to access that board will be launched in the group chat for everyone to have at any time during the meeting.

Other Application Integration

Google allows anyone in the meeting to share the link to join, but the host must allow clearance. Planned meetings can be used in other apps like Gmail, Google Calendar, Microsoft Office, and Microsoft Outlook.

Upcoming New Features for Google Meet

The new features for Meet are powered through AI technology, which means that no matter the hardware you possess, Google can improve the visual and audio disturbances you might experience.

Portrait Restore

If you’ve ever used filters or tools to restore a photo, you’ve been exposed to similar technology. Outdated webcams with low pixels automatically get an upgrade so viewers can see you better; it’s like transferring a VHS to Blu-Ray.

Portrait Light

Artistic individuals are familiar with how light looks, appears and changes how something is perceived. Light in the background looks different from the light in the foreground, and this feature allows you to play and create the atmosphere you desire. Your workspace is now a professional studio.


The terrible or echoing sounds get eliminated with this new feature. This is different from the intelligent noise cancellation feature available on paid tiered plans. You can have a meeting even if you’re somewhere embarrassing, like the restroom, and no one will know.

Live Sharing

Live sharing is a paid advanced feature for Google Workspace, but it will be available for Google Meet. This is a significant and bold upgrade from Google.

Auto Summaries to Spaces

Auto summaries will be set to your space. You won’t have to bug your boss or colleagues about summarizing the meeting you’ve missed. It’s also an easy way to recall creative or critical thoughts you had during the meeting by triggering epiphanies.

Auto Transcripts

Auto transcribing is a feature everyone dreamt about, and it’s finally here. The feature allows you to relive a meeting to make additional notes, or attend meetings you’ve missed. You won’t have to watch a recorded session, although that is an option; skim or read through the transcript thoroughly.

Security Protections

Security improvements increase trust in the people you work with and in the work you commit to. Meets will include phishing and malware alerts for all documents, slides, or links shared with an automatic alert.

The new Google Meet features will roll out automatically and won’t require installation to enhance your virtual office. The current and upcoming features and tools pair tremendously with a professional brand-created office. Zoom Virtual Office continues to help you thrive in your businesses and achieve more in your everyday work.


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